Discovery Therapy is committed to ensuring the public safety of children, staff, and professionals.  Due to the current COVID-19 status, we will continue to monitor information from Governor Brian Kemp, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Georgia Department of Education, Department of Public Health, and local agencies.  Event and activity updates will be posted on our website and social media pages concerning our upcoming schedule. Our Summer Therapy Camp is scheduled to be held June 16, 2020 – June 26, 2020, at the Harriet Tubman Museum in Macon, Georgia.  The Discover Love for Kids fundraiser banquet will be located at The Macon Terminal Station on May 29, 2020, at 6:00 PM.

Educational Information

Educational Information

Educational Information  Discovery Therapy Network acknowledges that the growth and development of a child diagnosed with Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, ADD and ADHD is very important.  Our objective is to assist with stimulating brain development to aide in a child’s ability to learn while functionally completing daily activities at home and school.    Our organization emphasizes that it’s essential that the left side of the brain be facilitated for language, communication, sequencing, comprehension, logic, reading, numbers and analytical thinking.   The right side of the brain develops skills for creativity, spatial, music, arts, visualizations, emotions, pictures, observations, and imagination.  When a child’s brain receives sequential input to stimulate all these areas in an…

How To Build a Sensory Room

How To Build a Sensory Room

Building a sensory room is a fun and exciting adventure. The goal of the sensory space is to provide exploratory and impactful activities that are stimulating, relaxing or both. Stimuli is taken in through the five senses: gustatory/taste, olfactory/smell, tactile/touch, auditory/hearing, and visual/sight. Sensory information is also processed by two other senses: proprioception (joint sense of motion) and vestibular (balance/spinning). The central nervous system responds by speeding up, slowing down or normally/calmly to the new input. The normal response to stimuli taken in from the environment by the nervous system is known as self-regulation. Therefore, when designing the room, a person must identify which of the following is the goal for…