School-Based Services

Our teletherapy and on-site service model supports the needs of school-based services for children who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to support academic success.  Our speech language pathologists and occupational therapists will conduct evaluations, services, or consults to help students.  IEPs or 504 plans services for each student can be delivered as specified (monthly consults, compensatory therapy, or summer ESY services).  

We are committed to supporting administrators and teachers in implementing programs within the classroom.  Staff training is also available to help schools with the implementation of skills via education on adaptive or compensatory therapeutic techniques, assistive technology, and sensory self-regulation. 

Our teletherapy services use HIPAA compliant connectivity to protect student privacy.  We incorporate a variety of secure internet-based applications, educational platforms, and websites to enhance learning.  Our goal is for students to learn competencies to improve language through student engagement in our sessions.  Our skill-building approach increases communication, fine motor, gross motor, and sensory self-regulation skills.  

We can incorporate synchronous communication via live interactive teletherapy sessions. Asynchronous communication is also available for families who may have challenges with consistent internet connectivity.