Interventions to Increase Functional Communication Skills: Participants will learn functional communication skills and interventions to implement at school and home. Strategies to stimulate, respond and enhance communications will be discussed. The three parts of language as form, content, and function will be presented with strategies to facilitate these skills. Learn several steps to expand functional communication forms of augmentative and alternative communication. Participants will identify content strategies to expand and support students with beginning communication skills.

  • Author: Ms. Rachel Davis, M. Ed., SLP-CCC
  • Level: Introductory
  • Study time: 1 hour
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Participants will learn functional communication skills and interventions to implement at school and home. Strategies to stimulate, respond and enhance communications will be discussed. The three parts of language as form, content, and function will be presented with strategies to facilitate these skills. Learn several steps to expand functional communication forms of augmentative and alternative communication. Participants will identify content strategies to expand and support students with beginning communication skills.
  • Video time: 1 hours
  • Pre & Post Test: 1
    Course Evaluation

What's included?

  • Pre & Post Test
  • 1 Video
  • Course Handout
  • Certificate of Attendance
  • Course Evaluation

Learn Effective Communication Strategies

You will learn how to  understand several forms of communication to use at school and home.  Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) will be reviewed.  You will also learn how to put the ideas presented to you into action by identifying activities to advance the three parts of language as form, content, and function.

Course Objectives

• Define functional communications  
• Review levels of cueing from least invasive to most dependent 
• Identify how to expand joint attention and communicate behavior regulation strategies during therapy 
• Identify ways to create opportunities for communication during activities of daily living 

This course is approved by the AOTA for CEUs.

Discover Therapy Network is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. PD activity approval ID# 11224. This live, distance learning-independent, or distance learning-interactive delivery activity is offered at 1 CE for introductory educational level, for foundations of knowledge and OT service delivery categories. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures.
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Course Information

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Meet the instructor

Ms. Rachel Davis,

Ms. Rachel Davis enjoys working with children and helping them to discover new possibilities as a speech language pathologist. Her focus is on maximum engagement during therapy sessions to advance speech, functional communications, and language skills. Ms. Davis obtained a Bachelor of Science in Education - Communication Disorders, and a Master of Education - Communication Disorders, from Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Georgia. Her professional speech therapy experience includes working with school districts as a special education team leader and providing services to students. In the education setting she has collaborated with special education teams, parents, general educators, and special educators to promote students’ academic achievement. Previously, she worked in acute care and inpatient services with adolescents and adults. Her current and past professional involvement includes memberships with the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Arizona Speech-Language Hearing Association (mentorship program), and Georgia Speech-Language Hearing Association.
Patrick Jones - Course author